Summer Rates
Non-Senior & Senior Early Bird Rates (Daylight – 7:29 am)
Greens Fee: $31.00 pp
W/cart: $43.00 pp
Non-Senior Prime Time Rate (7:30 am – 9:59 am)
Greens Fee: $40.00 pp
W/cart: $52.00 pp
Senior Prime Time Rate (7:30 am – 9:59 am)
Greens Fee: $34.00 pp
W/cart: $46.00 pp
Non-Senior Midday Rate (10:00 am – 12:59 pm)
Greens Fee: $34.00 pp
W/cart: $46.00 pp
Senior Midday Rate (10:00 am – 12:59 pm)
Greens Fee: $31.00 pp
W/cart: $43.00 pp
Non-Senior & Senior Twilight Rates (1:00 pm – 2:59 pm)
Greens Fee: $30.00 pp
W/cart: 42.00 pp
Non-Senior & Senior Super Twilight Rates (3:00 pm – Dark)
Greens Fee: $26.00 pp
W/cart: $38.00 pp
Weekday 9-Holes
Walking: $17.00 pp
Riding: $29.00 pp
-Valid weekdays before 8:00 am or after 12:00 pm.
Weekday Juniors
Walking: $19.00 pp
Riding: $25.00 pp
-Valid weekdays after 12pm. Must be accompanied by a playing adult to operate carts.
- Walking permitted at any time and on any day. No one will be forced to ride.
- Junior Rates available 7 days a week to individuals between the ages of 8 – 15 years old.
- 9-Hole rates available at certain times.
- Senior Rates (ages 60 and above) available at certain times.
- Tee times available 7 days in advance.
- Groups of 2 or more can book with a credit card over 7 days in advance.
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